Sunday, May 6, 2012

Can You Feel the Love?

You guys? Can you feel the love out there in the teacher blogosphere? There are so many teachers participating in the Teachers Pay Teachers sale through Tuesday.  And April over at A Modern Teacher is hosting a the PreK-2 Jackpot for teachers, offering up tons and tons of free materials for TODAY ONLY! 

A Modern Teacher
We missed our chance to sign up, darnit!  And I can't upload my Wants and Needs packet to TpT today because Paul wants to keep the site open for buyers.  Buyers like me, who already spent money and keep going back for more! What is it about a good sale?

So, since I missed the Jackpot, and since I can't upload my super-cute Wants and Needs packet, I'm offering it up here for free, until 9pm ONLY.

It's a flash freebie...pass it on!!


I do ask that you become a follower of our {little} blog if you imbibe.  I don't NEED you to, but I really WANT you to :)



Are you writing a comment? Yay! I love reading them!