Hi Friends!
Happy Monday! {Our superintendent would be so proud of me for saying that}
I've been perusing your blogs all morning, and it made me feel pretty lazy with all of your "Monday Made Its". I'm gonna have to get on that train. But, at least you inspired me to get my butt in gear and finish my classroom labels...finally. They've been a work in progress for months, I keep neglecting them to work on something else.
There are so many cute classroom labels out there, and I want to buy them all and label everything in my classroom times 10. I especially need them this year because I will have 5 ELL students, most of them from Burma. Creating a print rich environment is one of the best things I can do for them, as well as the rest of my kiddos.
BUT....Dave is gonna kill me if I walk in the door one more time with another colored ink cartridge. So, to avoid any pre-wedding throw downs, I designed some cute, cute, cute labels I can print in black and white, or more specifically: grayscale :)
Then, after I made the "Dave Approved" labels, I thought to myself, "These would look cute with a POP of color". So that's what I did, I added Jessica Weible's cutsie-patootsie doodle kids {don't tell Dave}!!!
Both options are up in my TpT store if you wanna check 'em out! There are labels for all the items in your classroom as well as days, months, and years. Plus, there are blank labels if you want to use them for binders or anything I may have forgotten.
Andddd, since we have so many new followers from Casey's Super-Spectacular, Second-Grade Give-Away, I am going to give a set of your choice away to 3 followers who comment on this post. All you have to do is give me one piece of marriage advice...since my wedding is LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY!!!! And if you're not yet married, give your favorite piece of teacher advice. Or style advice. or advice in general. Oh, and, don't forget your email!!!
I'll pick the winners via one of those random number generator thingies by tomorrow night!
Oh, and PS...go check out Casey's Giveaway. We're participating, and you can win my Back to School {MEGA} Book Pack as well as lots of other goodies. Target gift card, anyone?

So glad to hear you are getting tons of followers. My advice: take time to travel and do fun things.
My advice would be to always have a date night once a week or every other week, even when you have children.
My advice is to always keep the lines of communication open. They are so easily shut down. Also, just enjoy each other! :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
My advice is never go to bed in an arguement....might be tough sometimes, but it always feels better to wake up happy than mad!
My advice is communication. Make sure you are open and honest in your relationship. My hubs and I have been married 17 years and are happier now than we were the day we were married! It hasn't always been easy (which has made us stronger). Remember to laugh, let go, and have fun!
Where Seconds Count