Monday, August 20, 2012

Teacher Week: Monday Must-Haves

I am so excited to link up with Teacher Week this year! I remember reading all the entries last year, and loved learning all about my favorite bloggers.

It's hard to narrow it down to just a few, but I'll give it my best shot.

1. Scholastic Book Clubs is a Must-Have because of my addiction to picture books.  With the exception of garage sales and thrift stores, it's the most cost effective way to build up my classroom library, actually half the time I don't pay anything, so it's better than garage sales ;)

2. Address Labels.  I use them for all my classroom library books, to label folders and notebooks, and pretty soon I'll be using them for the Post Card Exchange {organized by Cheryl at Primary Graffiti}!! I'm so excited about that :)

3. Pandora.  I make sure my kids are addicted to the Disney station by the end of the year.  We also love oldies and the dance station for Freeze Dance games.

4. Water.  Which means another Must-Have is someone to come watch my class while I run to the bathroom for the 15th time.  I drink it all day long.  Filtered only. Not too cold. I'm spoiled like that.

5. Sharpies.  I am constantly making craftivities as models for my students.  Whether it's a craftivity I bought of TpT from a fabulous seller, or one I make up myself, I like to have an example for them to follow.  Sharpies allow me to make it once and use it from year to year because the color doesn't fade.  I probably own every color. Oh, and I really love them in pen form, too!!

6. My grade partners.  They make me laugh, inspire me, support me, and are usually stressing right along with me {so I know I'm not crazy}.  I don't know if I could do it without them.

There you go!  There really are so many more {caffeine in any form, a secret snack drawer, my printer, my husband, you know the deal!!!}

Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to link up!

See you Tuesday!


1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your blog through this link up! I'm a sharpie addict too ;) I'm a new follower!

    The Learning Tree


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