Friday, August 10, 2012

This is a (SECRET) Blog Post

My new husband is gonna kill me. I should not be blogging.

I am on my honeymoon.

In Tahoe.

It's amazing.

And we're doing lots of honeymoon stuff, don't get me wrong. It's just that he's researching golf courses. And I'm researching spas blogging and adding to my TpT wish list.

And dropping in to let you know that my awesome, amazing, romantic, beautiful honeymoon will not stop me from joining in on the fantastic-ness  that is the TpT back to school sale!!

All my products will be an additional 20% off the TpT sale price. Yayyyyy!!!

I'm doing this on a iPad, so bear with me if it looks wonky.

My newest item is a really fun, cute, and easy way to teach sums to 10. It's the first math skill I review because knowing facts to 10 is the foundation for a lot of 2nd grade math skills. It's also a concept that's introduced in the earlier grades. I haven't gotten to blog about it yet, but I promise it's a math must have!

Visit my store here.

Happy shopping!!!



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