Sunday, September 9, 2012

Currently {and a Tip!}

Happy Sunday everyone!

There’s something about Sundays, starting in September.  They’re all of the sudden special again, because I know I have to go back to work tomorrow.  This morning, the hubs and I took Georgie Girl for a walk to Starbucks, and I got a pumpkin spice latte.  I’ve loved everything about this morning so far, and it’s only 10:30!!

I know I’m late to the {Currently} party, but I wanted to come anyways!
september currently

My favorite things:
1} Mac and Georgie. Obviously.
2} Balsamic vinegar makes almost everything better.  We have a store near by that sells it in every flavor imanginable.  My sister in law got me the apple {get it, I’m a teacher!!}, and I love it on veggies.  It’s also delicious on laughing cow cheese with crackers.  Yum.
3} Amazon.  It is my go to for everything.  I’m a Prime member,so I get free 2 day shipping.  If there’s something I need {not just books}, I check Amazon first.

Make sure you link up, and follow the Rule of 3!!!
And now, the tip you’ve been anxiously awaiting. {Indulge Me}
Yesterday, I showed off my classroom.  See it here.

In the picture of my desk, you can see a really cute little chevron bucket.  Here, look below, I made it extra easy for you to spot!
photo (6)-002
I keep student incentives in here so I remember to use them.  I used to store them in my closet, and while I was getting my room ready this year, I discovered I had literally hundreds of award certificates and notes that I had barely even touched.  Many were unopen.  I decided to grab a few of each kind {writing, reading, math, effort, behavior, super helper, caught being good, etc} and toss them in my little basket.  Now they’re front and center for me to remember to use them.  I’ve already given a few away.  These of course are on top of my regular behavior plan, just extra special little notes.

Everyone loves a little pick me up.

So there’s my tip, if there’s something small you normally store away and forget all about, keep it out to see and use!  That might be a big duh to most of you, but it wasn’t to me until about a week ago :)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a great start to the school week tomorrow!



  1. Fabulous room! Love the Bucket...I have a few of those too! One will be holding all the bookmarks I hoarded at Target's 70% off dollar bins!

  2. I just posted my Currently today! Better late than never :)

    1) I love my Sundays in September, too! There's just something about the crisp air, football, and jammies all day!

    2) OMW, I love balsamic vinegar. I use it on my salad every day. My grandpa got me hooked when I was younger!

    3) I, too, have 9795235 awards certificates I've never used. Thanks for reminding me to pull some out!

    EduKate and Inspire

  3. I also am a huge Amazon fan! Can't beat that 2-day shipping. :) I've never tried the different kinds of vinegar on fruits or other foods, but now I think I'll have to give it a go... thanks for the idea!

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  4. I love your new look girls! (I was just snooping around on Erin's Creating and Teaching and saw you had gotten a makeover!) Looks great over here! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac: Pencil Sharpener Giveaway!


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