Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Hall Pass

This is so exciting, this having a Hall Pass thing!!!  See, when I was in school, I was not a Hall Pass kind of girl.  I mean I would get one if I had to go to the bathroom or something, but I was a goody two shoes.  The 16 year old version of me was scared to death to abuse the power of a hall pass.  So if I get a little long winded during this post, you’ll have to forgive me…it’s finally my chance!!  13 years later!!!

P is for Product

Spring Comprehension Sheets

I second what Reagan said…my favorite product is usually my most current because it consumes my thoughts!  That being said, my comprehension passages are my favorite product.  I wrote every single one of the {now, combined, 24} stories in each unit, and all the questions to go with.  There were moments I saw it on my computer screen and had to walk away because I just wasn’t feeling it.  Writer’s block is NO JOKE {you know, now that I’m in the same league as Tomie dePaola or Cynthia Ryland I can say that ;)}.

But in all seriousness I love them because they are exactly what my students need, so they have helped me out immensely.  As Farley would say, I {puffy} heart them.  Grab them here and here.

A is for Area

library picstitch

My favorite area in my classroom is our classroom library.  We don’t get the chance nearly as often as I would like to all curl up together for a read-aloud {I know, I know…I blame the basal}, but when we do I love it.  I love how the sun streams into that part of my room, I love how the shelves are arranged to create a little nook.  We also meet here for Writer’s Workshop and Morning Meeting, so it really is such a special place in our room where we get our creative on, our silly on, and our imagination on.  And I love knowing that it’s not only my favorite, it’s my students’ favorite as well!

S is for Signal

I am “Class!Yes” all the way.  This past summer, I got really into Whole Brain Teaching.  I started the year off strong, but many of the techniques have kind of filtered out.  Of course, I plan on reacquainting myself with WBT again this summer.  I still use {a modified version of the} Whole Brain Teaching rules, and our pack-up at the end of the day always involves a game of Teacher vs. Student, but I use “Class! Yes” everyday all day.

It’s easy.  I say “Class”, and my class drops everything, gives me their full-blown attention, and says, “Yes!”

I know.  It sounds boring.  But it’s totally not! You see, there are so many variations:

“Classy! Classy!”…"Yessy!  Yessy!”

“Class, class, class, class, claaaaaaaaaaaaaaass”…”Yes,  yes, yes, yes, yesssssssssssssssssssss!”
You get the point.  They have to mirror me exactly.  And we have SO MUCH FUN WITH IT!  I keep telling them we should be in the Talent Show with how good we are at “Class! Yes!”

Here’s a video of Chris Biffle of Whole Brain Teaching’s explanation of “Class! Yes!”

S is for Sane


I have talked about my awesome grade level partners before. Jenna occasionally stops by for a blog post when she’s not living her super fabulous life in the city, and Erica is a wonderful teacher and mommy.  I adore them both for completely different reasons.  You can read more about how much I adore them here.

Also, {and I’m not trying to win any Sainthood awards, I swear}, but my students keep me sane {MOST OF THE TIME}!  When I think about what really gets me worked up as a teachers it’s almost never those little kids hanging out in my room.  Don’t get me wrong, I do get frustrated when they still haven’t mastered a skill or when they just.won’t.stop.talking, but believe me…there are a million other things I can think of about teaching that are more stressful!  You feel me?  The little guys and gals are usually the ones that make it all better!

Other things that keep me sane, in no particular order: My Husband {although he falls into the same category as my students!}, Georgie, a good glass of red wine, blogging, blogstalking, yoga, cheeseburgers, happy hour, the pool, summer, the beach, and my friends.

I hope you were able to learn a little more about what makes me tick!  Now I better go link up with this Hall Pass before I get in trouble!

Some things never change!



  1. I love the Class! Yes! as well. We sing it. I love your variations. Thanks for the ideas.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Thanks so much for coming by! I LOVE what you said about your students. I couldn't have said it better myself. They make everything totally worth it. And a good glass of red, yes please! :)

  3. oh we have the same red target baskets! great minds think alike!

  4. My library is my favorite place too! Sometimes I wish I could curl up and read a book in there!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  5. Hi Halle! Thank you for stopping by and following me! I am so glad you did! I have found tons of super cute ideas already on your blog! One is a variation of class yes that I am adding to my stockpile! Another were those rice krispie conversation hearts! Thanks for sharing your ideas!!

  6. I would have to agree with you on the sanity part.. Even though second graders can be little chatter bugs, they are the reason we work so hard! So I agree -- along with a lot of coffee, my students keep me sane and happy (and my husband, too!) Cute post!

    That's So Second Grade

  7. Loving your comprehension packets...wishing I could use them in 1st : (
    So glad I stumbled upon your blog too!

    For the Love of First Grade

  8. I got Class/Yes from you and I'm so glad I did- it's the best classroom management tool I have!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  9. Love your post!
    Love your room and the dressed up picture!
    Hooray for our friends and sanity!


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