Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Currently July, New Products, and a SALE!!!!!

Yeah I know, I’m late to the party…but what else is new?!

July Currently

Shall I elaborate? But of course!

Listening: Grace Potter and the Nocturnals are my new obsession. I am in love with her voice. I have also been listening to Natalie Maines {formerly of The Dixie Chicks…pretty obsessed with her voice too!}

Loving: It’s Summer! Yes!!!

Thinking: I’ve been so busy creating things for TpT and my classroom…I literally have 2 pages worth of ideas which is great except that I have this nasty habit of starting a product, get a few pages done, and then starting a new product.  I need to focus!
Here’s what I did get accomplished:


I bundled my Math and R/LA Hallway Hunts! I can’t wait to use these at the beginning of the year, and then all year long as my students’ skills progress! Read more about them here. Buy them here.


I uploaded this Craftivity too!  My Back to School Bulletin Board will say “Here’s the Scoop, Second Grade is Sweet” and my students will all make their own ice cream cones and cupcakes to hang up.  I started this waaaay back in May, so I am super pumped that it’s finally finished. I will blog more about it soon, but you can check it out here. I’m kind of obsessed with it actually.{For grades K-4}


Classroom Compliments have such a huge impact on my classroom. I can’t imagine my classroom without them. I will post on these soon, too!  Check them out here.

MEGA Book Cover

I am thisclose to finishing all of my updates on My Back to School Mega Pack {including updates on all the individual book studies too}!  It was fun to go back and see what I created a year ago and how things have changed since then…like my taste in fonts :)

Wanting: This is funny. I’ll explain soon.

Needing: So….we FINALLY found a house!!! I could not be more excited!! We close the end of July so I am wishing away my summer days because I want to get in there and paint and decorate!  I want to be more patient and enjoy this time off, but it’s a battle!

Tips, Tricks, or Hints: I have so many, but organizing is key…when I first started I didn’t organize my clip art very well and before I knew it I was buying clip art that I already had.  I’m much more organized now but that hasn’t helped me in my owl clip art addiction. Seriously…

owl obsession
This is just one image per collection, so imagine aout 100 owls on my computer! What’s sad is that there are probably more in the deep, dark, depths of my unorganized clip art files!

I also came across my very list Currently Linky from last July. Take a look at my “want”:

july currently me

I’ll tell you…some things never change!

Before I go, a few things:

1} I will NOT be hosting my Favorite Things Linky tomorrow.  I’m so sorry if you already have your post ready to go {feel free to still post! I’d love to read}, but I figured so many of you would be busy celebrating America that it would be more of a hassle than anything.  Thursday, July 11th’s linky will be your vacation favorites. I am loving this Linky and all of your posts…so much fun to read!

2} Make sure you’re following me on Facebook!  My Summer of Fun is in full effect…giveaways, freebies, and sales…I don’t want you missing out!  Click here to like me on Facebook!

3} My friend Rachel so generously offered up her 4th of July Sale button that I just HAD to take part! My store is 20% off today and tomorrow! Happy Shopping! {Click the button to head on over}

4thsaleClick Me!

Have a great holiday everyone!



  1. Hello! I found you through Farley's Linky. I am your newest follower through Bloglovin' and on TPT. I love your compliments pack. It is added to my wishlist and will be bought soon! It will be perfect for my classroom as I am a Special Education teacher for K-6 Emotional Disabilities and behaviors so Social Skills are huge. I think we need to combine our hair and maybe we will have something great because mine is super straight and thin. I would like a little umph and you want less!! :-) I am looking forward to your future posts!

    Heather S.
    Teaching Through Turbulence

  2. Stopping by from Farley's linky, I love your tip about organization. I think I spend so much time organizing my room and what my students need I completely forget to keep my electronic files organized, the amount of zip drives I have is unreal. Also think its funny we both posted about hair in June and July.

  3. I love so many things about this post! First of all, I love the Grace Potter Pandora Station.. it stays on in my house 20 hours out of the day .. especially right now while I'm spending so much time at home! I am also a fellow owl lover! I want to know how you organize your clip art.. mine is in folder, after folder, after folder.. and it's just much clicking to get to what I want.. I need an easier system!! Enjoy the 4th!!

    That's So Second Grade!

  4. LOVING SUMMER!! Organizing is essential... but even then... how can you truly have a handle on thousands of pieces of clipart and thousands of fonts?! Those addictions are hard to keep under control! :)
    ❤ Traci
    Dragonflies in First

  5. How do you organize all your clip art? I've been trying to come up with a good system!!

    Happily Teaching

  6. I'm going to have to check out your Back to School packet. I read a lot of those books at the beginning of the year and I'm always looking for new ideas. I get bored doing the same thing every year.

    Totally get you on the frizz free hair. I haven't even attempted to blow dry my hair this summer.

  7. I'll have to check out all of your TPT products! I struggle so much with a good system of organizing my files, clip art, etc. I have tried several things but I am too OCD for anything I like yet!

    Make sure to stop by my giveaway!


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