Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Favorite Pins for Back to School

So it’s about that time for a lot of you out there. You know, Back to School Time!
I have a little less than a month before I need to report for duty, but come August my brain pretty much switches from Summer Brain over to Teacher Brain.

One of the things I love about going back to school is that it’s my opportunity to try out new ideas, to change up the decorations or furniture placement in my room, and to become a better version of my teacher self. I have last years mistakes and successes under my belt. I know what works, what really, really works, and what I won’t do again. Heading into my 6th year of teaching {{gasp}} I’m starting to finally feel like I know a few things :)

I decided to round up some pins and products that I am really excited to put to use come September.  Hopefully you will find some new ideas too. And if you’ve already tried an activity, tip, or product, I’d love to hear what you think about it!

All the pictures are linked to the original source so you can read up on what makes them so fabulous!

35 Must-Try Back-to-School Ideas at Positively Splendid

There are so many cute ideas listed here.  It’s an especially awesome pin if you are also a parent with kids heading back to school.

I especially love this adorable binder from Thirty Handmade Days…

I’m loving the idea of individual trash cans so my kiddos aren’t up and down every time we make a craft or do a project.  The ones pictured are from the adorable Michelle over at Fabulous in First.

Speaking of Michelle…

I am really excited to use her “Second Grade Helper” this year. This is going to be such a great resource for my kiddos to have in their desks. I can already hear the words, “Use your Helper.” Love it!

teachingtoday:        This is such a simple idea I found online, but it is helping me SO MUCH with keeping organized this school year!
{The link to this one is not a link to the specific post. I couldn’t find it on there! I’m also Tumblr-Illiterate so that might be part of the problem}

I’m on a never-ending quest to be more organized and I love this idea. It lays it all out there for ya!  When I make a big long list the important stuff sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. I might have to make a cutisfied version of this one but I love the inspiration!

Teacher Idea Factory: BACK TO SCHOOL BASICS - FORMS + LETTERS + CHECKLISTS + MORE editable!!! Love 'em!!!

Speaking of being organized I am so loving this awesome InFORMation Kit by none other than the awesome, amazing Kelley Dolling.  She’s seriously thought of everything, made it cute, and even better…editable. I wish I thought of it myself.

I like the "unfinished" basket

This is a MUST DO for me.  I love the “More Time” Bin.  Instead of papers getting hidden in classwork folders, students put unfinished papers in the basket.  They can go back to the basket whenever they have extra time AND I always know who is still working on what.  Genius!

Bathroom Reminders Free

I don’t have a classroom bathroom anymore, but I’m going to put these in the hallway bathrooms.  They’re cute and they get the point across…don’t you just love when that happens?!

Tips for Parents...How to Help My Child Succeed Free Downloads from Fun in First

Parent Handouts (Primary Junction)

Parent Handbook Flip Books!

I love, love, love all of these Parent Resources for Back to School. Consider them printed and prepared for the first day of school and/or Open House.  They’re attention grabbing but have really important and relevant information and tips for parents.

[print] what i like most about my classroom... would be cute if your whole class signed it on the 1st day and then hang it up to enjoy for the rest of the school year.

Creating a tightknit classroom community from day 1 is so important to me.  I organize plenty of activities year after year that have worked wonderfully and I am excited about adding this one to the mix.  I bought the frame to make this today and I can’t wait to have my kiddos sign it the first day. {The print is a FREEBIE by the way :)}

A class list with each students picture. Perfect for a sub binder, volunteer, or exit ticket for the door.

This class list idea is oh-so-cute and perfect for a sub-binder or student teacher. Or those first few crazy days where you don’t even remember your own name, much less those 28 little people running around your room.

MEGA Book Cover

Okay, so I kind, sorta, cheated with the second image because it’s a product of mine, but really, between Alisha’s totally awesome, super-fabulous “Savvy in Second Grade” pack and my “Back to School MEGA Book Pack” my lessons and activities for the first two weeks of school are completely covered.

Alisha has compiled some of the cutest crafts and activities into this pack.  I am seriously obsessed.

Seriously. I’m lovin’ it.

I am also a HUGE book lover and I want my kiddos to have the same love for reading that I do.  I try to incorporate as many story-based lessons as I can {outside of our regular curriculum}.  I start off right away with my Back to School MEGA Pack.  It has tons of lessons to go with your favorite Back to School books including…

*The Recess Queen
*The Juicebox Bully
*Hooway for Wodney Wat
*Dear Teacher
*How I Spent My Summer Vacation

I’ll be back soon to show off a few of the activities!

The above are only a few of my Back to School Pins. You can check out my Back to School Pinterest Board by clicking below.

b2s pins

Don’t forget…my Favorite Things Linky is this Thursday!  The category this week is Back to School Faves for the Kids.  I’ll be back with even more Back to School goodies!

Favorite Graphic

There’s also still time to scoop up this fabulous BUNDLE from educents.  There are so many great products included in this bundle by so many of my favorite 2nd and 3rd Grade bloggers.  This is good stuff, people!

Educents Bundle

Have a great night everyone!

 photo AcrosstheHallinSecondGradeSignature_zpsac12a170.png


  1. I love the more time bin. I will definitely be doing that in my room! Your mega book pack is amazing...I can't imagine anyone wanting anything else for the first two weeks of school! Your new class is going to love you!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. You have pinned a lot of great ideas. Thanks for sharing.



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