If you are one of the lucky souls who is off all week for the Thanksgiving Holiday then keep on walkin’. We don’t want your kind here.
I kid. But also, I’m extremely jealous.
We have all half-day this week up to Thanksgiving, but Monday and Tuesday are also conferences. I am convinced this is to make me feel extra thankful on Thanksgiving. Nothing like a a few stress induced days to take you into the holiday weekend.
One benefit of a short week filled with half-days is that I don’t have to worry about fitting in our basal series in reading, science, or social studies. We get to do fun Thanksgiving stuff instead!
If you’re working like I am this week, here are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving products to get you to Turkey Day!
Don’t forget to comment below to win “A Feast of Clues” (my Thanksgiving Inferring Centers)
A bulk of our learning will be from Stephanie’s “All About Thanksgiving” unit. I love that it’s common core aligned, so even though we’re taking a break from our regular curriculum resources, I’m still tackling all the skills I need to be. There is so much to this unit, math, reading, and vocabulary resources, and of course a cute craftivity or two :)

We’ll also be using my friend Tracy’s “The Trouble with Turkeys” ebook and correlating unit. My class loved her “Wendy the Witch” ebook, so I know this will be a hit!
I’ve been pulling from Katie King’s November Busy Teacher all month and I won’t stop this week! Our math series doesn’t introduce time or money until much later in the year, so I’m going to introduce money this week and follow up with a few of Katie’s sheets. We do a “time check” on a regular basis in our classroom as well, so her November telling time worksheets will make great morning or math journal work. I am addicted to Busy Teacher…cannot wait for December!

We’ll be rounding out the week with my Thanksgiving Inferring Center, “A Feast of Clues”. My kiddos loved, loved, loved the October ones, so when my friend Alisha suggested a Thanksgiving-themed one, I jumped at the opportunity!
And follow up sheets to use with the center.
Get a closer look and buy it here!
Or, win it below!
To enter, leave a comment telling me your favorite Thanksgiving food item. Mine is definitely mashed potatoes! Don’t forget to leave your email. I will announce the winner on my Facebook page tonight, so make sure you like me on Facebook by clicking the icon at the top of the page!
Wishing you a sane week at school if you’re stuck there like me, and a restful and stuffing Thanksgiving with the people you love!