Monday, June 1, 2015

Father's Day: a unit and a freebie

Maybe you're one of the {unlucky???} teachers still in school past Father's Day, or maybe you like to have your students complete something before you're done for the year, no matter when you get out. Either way, I have a really fun and easy idea for you for Father's Day...

...and if you're in a real pinch, I have a freebie for you at the bottom of the post!

I got the idea for DAD Manual when I read a quote about life not coming with a manual, but that's why we have mothers! But I got to thinking, what if we did have a manual for the special guy in our life??? Thus, DAD Manual was born!

DAD Manual comes with 12 different pages, so you can pick and choose which pages you want to use with your students {depending on age, ability, or time}!

Some of the pages require illustrations...

and every page needs maintenance instructions:

There are other pages included: dad at work, best dressed dad, genius dad, most valuable dad, and more.

There are also versions for uncles and grandpas!

You can grab DAD Manual by clicking the picture below:

And if you're in a REEEEAAAAAAL time-crunch, or are looking for a little something to add to a handmade Father's Day gift, I have a freebie for you.

A Guide to my Dad:

You can grab it here.


1 comment:

Are you writing a comment? Yay! I love reading them!