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Showing posts with label 100th Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 100th Day. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Five for Friday {on a Saturday :)}

Happy Friday Saturday!

I missed out on the last Five for Friday, so I had to get in on this one, even if it’s a day late!


1} We celebrated our 100th Day on Tuesday!  We had a blast dressing up like our 100 year old selves.  This picture is actually very realistic, Jenna will definitely be rocking the leopard and pearls as an old lady, and my love for cardigans isn’t going away anytime soon!

100th day

2} We made a day of 100th day!  All afternoon the kids rotated from center to center.  The cup stacking center was the definite favorite, followed by the pattern block station.  I’ve had a lot of fun reading what a second grader thinks life as a 100 year old will be like!  We ended the day with 100 Day snack mix!  Fun, but exhausting!


3} My husband surprised me with a night in the city for Valentine’s Day.  We stayed at the Sofitel.  And can I just say, their beds are perfection.  I would’ve been perfectly content to lay in their bed ALL DAY today!  We had fun bar hopping, and ate a delicious dinner at a restaurant called Twenty Manning.  It was a perfect way to spend our first married Valentine’s Day :) Love him!

Spring Comprehension Sheets

4} I’m thisclose to finishing this puppy up!  Honestly, these comprehension sheets have been so good to my students as far as improving their comprehension skills.  They’re getting so good at going back into the text to answer questions, they’re restating skills are improving as well.  Thank you so much to all of you who have purchased the Winter Edition, I promise the Spring Edition will be posted by the end of the long weekend! Yay!

Jalapeno, Bacon and Onion Jam by SimplyGourmet

5} On the very first day of our honeymoon, Dave and I ate at The Pacific Blues Café in Yountville {Napa Valley}.  We had the best burger there that came with this yummy jalapeño jam.  No kidding, I have been craving it off and on ever since.  I finally found a recipe for jalapeño, onion, and bacon jam that I think is worth trying…so that’s the plan for tonight.  Or maybe this afternoon…I’m starving!

That’s it!  Go link up with Doodlebugs so I have something to read this afternoon!


Have a great weekend!


Monday, January 21, 2013

If I Had $100 to Spend in My Own Classroom {a FREEBIE!}

Hello Friends!

Happy Monday!  I’m lounging on my couch watching live coverage of the Inauguration, drinking my 3rd cup of coffee.  What an amazing day in history.  I feel lucky to be able to see it happen live :).  We’ll definitely be busy in school tomorrow discussing Dr. King and President Obama’s inauguration.

In a completely unrelated topic, I have a FREEBIE for you today!  I discussed some of my plans for our 100th Day of School here, and I left out a really fun {and I think, unique} activity we do in our classroom every year…our 100th Day Shopping Spree!

Our shopping activity is a twist on the 100th Day Favorite, “If I Had 100 Dollars”.
See, we actually give our kiddos real, crisp, green 100 fake bucks to spend on items and experiences in our classroom!

Check it out:


Students are provided a “shopping list” with items and experiences, as well as prices to prepare for their shopping trip in our classroom on {or around} the 100th Day of School.

Our students complete this list for homework, and bring it in on shopping day, but you could definitely have your students complete it in class.  I also included a blank template, if you’d like to write in your own choices.

I also included a Teacher Guide page and Parent Letters in this freebie packet, so you’re all set to get this fun activity going in your classroom!  We have so much fun with it year after year in 2nd Grade.  I cannot remember if I was the one that thought of it, or if it was Jenna, or our grade partner, Erica, but at this point I guess it doesn’t matter!

What I love about this activity is that if offers younger students a glimpse at what 100 dollars can really actually buy.  We used to do the “If I had 100 Dollars”, and I was amazed at what students thought 100 dollars could get them!  Although some of the prices are a little off on this list, they do get to see that 100 dollars will not buy them a new PS3 or a trip to Disney World.  Plus, it involves real math that your students get excited about!

I hope this becomes a tradition in your classroom for years to come {or at least this year!}

Click here to grab it from TpT!

And I have to mention my Winter Comprehension Passages really quick!  They’re selling really well in my TpT shop, and I am so, so, so proud of them!  They address all the comprehension skills my students need practice with in 2nd grade.  They’re great for small group or whole group.  Classwork or Homework!  Tomorrow, I will be giving the MLK Jr. {Non-Fiction} passage for homework!  If you’re already a fan, be on the look-out for the Spring Edition :)  If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check them out here.

Winter Comprehension Sheets Cover

Sick Chain Preview!MLK Preview
Have a great week!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

100th Day Ideas

Hello there!

We’re still a little ways from our 100th Day of School, but I know many of you are coming up on the BIG DAY!

Here are a couple of ideas that I’ve either found online, or that we’ve used in our 2nd Grade Classrooms.  Hopefully you’ll find something new to make the 100th day special for your kiddos :)

{PS: I’ve saved my favorite for LAST!}

I love the idea of this adorable shirt.  This little lady obviously has a pretty crafty momma, but I can see making this a class project: Have students bring in a plain shirt and decorate with tallies…or…any combination of 100!

I love the idea of creating a list of 100 things about school.  The picture above had students write 100 reasons why they loved their school.  The final product is adorable!  My first year teaching {3rd grade}, we wrote down 100 memories we’d had so far.  It turned out so cute! Those were my pre-blogging days, so no pictures…but trust me, creating a list of anything school related is fun for students and teachers!

100th Day of School - classroom entrance
{I pinned this image.  When I click it to go to the original source, Pinterest blocks me}

Love, love, love this 100th Day Banner!  So doing it this year!

This is a 100th Day themed lunch.  Can you say “Super Mom”?  Maybe you could ask parent volunteers to make different 100 shaped foods or make them with your class.  Or, you could just admire this picture {that’s my plan}.

Speaking of food…how cah-uuute are these cookies? Both blogs that these pictures come from {click source to head there} provide directions for how to make these yummy treats.  Fran, of Kindergarten Crayons had the original idea {bottom pic}, but I don’t think mine could ever turn out that perfect!  This idea is on my “Hopefully, Maybe 100th Day To-Do List”.

I saw this image like literally the day AFTER our 100th Day last year.  I’ve had it on my 100th day list every since.  I think this looks so fun, and there’s a a real educational element to it.  So doing it.  {Check out the whole blog for lots of fun ideas!}

I’ve saved my favorite, “We’re Most Definitely Doing This On Our 100th Day!!!!” idea for last!

Last year we had students dress up like they were 100 on the Hundredth Day.  It was a riot.  Some of their parents these kids got so in to it.  I really, really, really wish I could show you their pictures!  One of my sweeties carried around a purse full of mints, and she sprayed her grandma’s perfume all over.  It was perfect.  Kids had walkers, canes, knitting needles.  It was too much!

I can, however, show you a picture of Jenna and I {with our grade partner, Erica} dressed up like an older version of ourselves :)

For your viewing pleasure:

{L-R: Old Halle, Old Erica, Old Jenna}

You totally need to do this if your principal is on board!

I hope I was able to give you a few new ideas for 100th Day!  Can’t wait to see your pics of the big day!
