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Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Earth Day. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heal the…errrr…Planet?

Hello Friends!  Happy Sunday!  {Or not…we go back to school tomorrow, so this is actually Sad Sunday for me}

Anyways…I’m going to try to make a long story short.

I made an Earth Day Unit.  A mini-one if you will…and I was so excited to call it “Heal the World”

{Do you hear Michael Jackson yet??… “make it a better place…”}

But then I did some extensive research a Google search, and I figured out that phrase is pretty much trademarked, and that the Jackson Estate will come after me.  And…Ain’t Nobody Got Money Time for That!

So I present to you…

Heal the Planet!

{Click the picture to grab it from TpT}

This unit is short and sweet because Earth Day is only one day.

Scratch that, Earth Day is every day…but if this holiday comes and goes as fast as every other holiday did this year, I have about thismuch time to teach it.  Way back when I made my Christmas Around the World Interactive Readers I discovered that they’re the perfect thing to hold my kiddos’ attention.  They read important information, and then they respond to it right away.  They have fun, and I sneak in a little learning!

Take a look-see:


Those are just a few of the pages.  Your students will either draw a picture based on what they read, or fill our information in a chart/table.

I also included a center:


Students read the scenario on each card, and sort them onto the correct mat: “Healing the Planet” or “Harming the Planet”.  Simple but effective.  Do you sense a theme?

Oh, and of course there’s a craftivity…because…why not?


I’m giving one of these away on my Facebook page.  So head on over and enter!  It ends tonight!

Click here to check it out on TpT!

Enjoy the rest of your Sad/Happy Sunday!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Quick Glance at Our Earth Day Bulletin Board…and a GIVEAWAY Reminder :)

Just wanna pop in real quick, and share our 2nd Grade Earth Day Bulletin Board that Jenna and I did with our grade partner, Erica.

We {Heart} Planet Earth
We offered this as a give-away with Sunny Days in 2nd Grade. If you missed it, you can grab it here.

And, just a reminder that I'm doing a give-away for my Miss Rumphius unit! Just leave a comment in the post below J



Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sneak Peak

I've been hard at work on a fun-filled, educationally fit, standard's driven packet featuring my favorite book in the whole, wide world: Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney.

Please tell me you've read it. I've read it a million times. No less. My mom read it to me, I read it to myself, I read it to my brother and sister, and now I read it to my students. And then they read, and read, and read it to themselves.

The pictures are beyond amazing. They are literally the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen. I have plans to frame the illustrations for my baby's nursery. The baby I don't have yet. Because I'm not even pregnant. But I plan on that someday, and the Barbara Cooney pictures will be framed in the baby's room.

I wouldn't blame you if you only read the books for the pictures. However, as beautiful as the pictures are, the message in the book is even more so. You really can use this book to teach just about every reading concept there is. You could use it to teach character education too. But, it is also a really great book to use for Earth Day, as a sort of alternative Earth Day text and activity.

I can't wait to share this packet with you, as well as the message of the book. Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and get this packet out there soon. So very soon.

Look for it!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Linky Party with Sunny Days!

We've been followers of Sunny Days for a long time, and we're so super excited to link up to her Linky Party!!

We're on Spring Break until the 15th, and we've only touched upon Earth Day so far, with lots more planned for after break. We did manage however, to throw up a 2nd Grade Hallway Bulletin Board on Earth Day. Are you required to do any other bulletin boards other than "your own"? We were somehow responsible for the main hallway bulletin board like 5 times this year!!!

Anyways, this is what we thought up. The idea isn't that original, we remember doing something similar in elementary school. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Plus, we cutisfied it!

Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of said bulletin board. But picture it in your mind...cute right? We know.

Please RE-USE it! In the spirit of going GREEN!

You Can Get It Here!