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Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fall. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Have You Voted Yet?

Not for our real president.  Although, I have heard early voting is the way to go. 

I’m talking candy.  Candy for President!!!!

We’re going to start gearing up for the election this week {provided school isn't closed foreverrrrrrr due to Sandy!} with my Candy Bar Election unit.  I am sooo excited, because I do it yearly, and it is buckets of fun! {Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of this post for ALL the Candy Goodness!}

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Pictured: Ballot Box Sign, Press ID Badge, Ballots {color & Black and White shown}, Voter Registration Card, Newspaper Article

By voting for Candy Bars, students learn all the elements of a regular election {you can even hold primaries!}, but without any influence of their parent’s political beliefs.  Plus, students KNOW CANDY.  Really well.  I’ve had students get as passionate about a Kit-Kat bar, as people do about Romney or Obama!

Here’s a peek at what else My Candy Bar Election includes:






To make this unit fit all grade levels, many of the sheets come in a less “cutesy” format too!



If you’re still looking for something for the election, hurry up and snag it by clicking the Preview Picture below :)

Candy Bar Preview

Now, if you can guess which Candy Bar I would vote for, you can win this guy for FREE!  I’ll email it to the first person who guesses correctly.  Don’t forget to leave your email. 

And here’s a HINT:  My favorite Candy bar is not mentioned OR pictured above {I couldn't make it too easy!}

I’ll be spending at least the rest of the day today and tomorrow hanging out with the hubby, catching up on TV shows {as long as we have power}, and reading a book or two, while we try our best to avoid Sandy’s wrath!

Stay safe, my fellow East Coasters!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Apple Mania, End of Quarter Sale, and Check Out This Giveaway!

Just a really quick announcement: I’m holding a 20% off sale in my store because it’s the last weekend of September.  Thank you everyone for your support of my store.  It’s crazy to me that my products are in classrooms all over the world!  Warms my heart :)

Now, on to the yummy stuff…

Apples have taken over the blogosphere classrooms, and our room was no exception.  Check out how we celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s birthday in our classroom this week :)

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We started off by trying apple cider and apple cider donuts.  The whole class knows that Mrs. H loooooooves apple cider donuts, so they were pretty excited to share this bonding experience with me chow down.
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Then we graphed the results.  Can I tell you how much they loved that the graph went off the board?  They were rolling on the floor.  “She has to get a chair to reach!!!!”  It’s covering the alphabet!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.  It was adorable.

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Then we graphed our results on paper, and interpreted the data.  This was our first graph of the year, and I have to admit, they had some trouble comparing the results.  I was really surprised!!  Note to self: more graphs this year!

We complete the “Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed” book from Alisha. {Sorry, no pictures, but the book is really cute!}

And we finished up our apple glyphs and apple writings from my “Favorite Way to Eat an Apple” pack.




I modeled the detailed sentences first, then a topic sentence, and well as a closing sentence.  We’re definitely working on organizing our writings.  There is a lot of room for improvement!

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The finished result!  They look adorable in the hallway.

I hope to be back soon to share some Back to School Night photos and ideas, as well as offer up a pretty big giveaway!!!

Speaking of giveaways, check out “What Happens in First”.  You can win a LOFT gift card {something every teacher needs :)}


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Giveaway Winner and a Fall Sale


I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!  It’s a beautiful day here in NJ.  We took our morning “Starbucks Walk”, and I even got a little shopping in.  I’ll be spending the rest of the day alternating hanging out with the Mr. and our family and {his} friends watching some football and getting some grading done.

I wanted to pop in and announce my Burlap sign winner:

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

Congrats, Maria!  I’ll be emailing you to find out what kind of sign you would like :)

As you’re most likely aware, a bunch of really awesome bloggers are holding sales in their TpT shops, and since I’m all about the sales, we had to join in too.

I just posted my new Candy Bar Election unit to TpT.  I am soooooooo, soooooo, sooooo excited about it.  Candy bars are the yummiest best way to teach your kiddos about the election process and really get them involved. I used it 4 years ago, and my kids were OBSESSED. I’m going to devote a future post to my unit to show it in all its glory, but here’s a preview pic. 

Candy Bar Preview

Click the picture to head straight to my store and get it while it’s on SALE.

Alright everyone!  Hope you’re enjoying your first FULL day of fall!
