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Showing posts with label Inferring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inferring. Show all posts

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Five for Saturday and Win It!!!!!

Good Morning :)

It’s been a little while since I got to join in on the “Five for Friday” fun, so I figured Saturday was as good a day as any!

And here we go…

1) We’re knee deep in all things fall and Halloween at school.

We’ve begun our “Spider Parts of Speech”

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I switched this little crafitvity up from how I’ve done it in year’s past. Previously, students came up with 8 adjectives the described them and put them on their spider legs.  I decided this year to focus on the 3 major parts of speech instead.

First, I had students research spiders in the computer lab.  We used their graphic organizers to help find different parts of speech associated with spiders.  Then, I showed a short video on spiders and we brainstormed some more verbs, adjectives, and nouns.  To cap it off, I read a Scholastic book on spiders to them.  They sat on the carpet with their clipboards and wrote down any word I read aloud that was their assigned parts of speech.

I can’t believe I forget to get a picture of the finished spiders. I haven’t hung them up yet, but I will post a picture when I do!

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(Last year’s spiders on display)

Read more about how I did Spider Parts of Speech in year’s past by clicking here.
Check out Spider Parts of Speech by clicking below!

Spider Speech Cover

2) We’re pretty knee-deep in Halloween at our house too. 

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Yes, that’s a hammock on my screened in porch. Yes, I live there despite the cooler temps.

3) More Halloween!

I gave away a few spooky FREEBIES this week on the blog:

Ghostly Greetings Cover
(Click the picture to grab it!)

A fun activity for working on dialogue. I even made it into my Halloween bulletin board:


-Halloween Main Idea Passages

Halloween Main Idea Cover
(Click the picture to grab it)

I just projected these on my interactive whiteboard for a fun and easy practice activity!

And I mean to “reshare” a few oldies but goodies…I guess now would be a good time!

- Halloween Bump (3 versions)
ghost bump
(Click pic to grab)

and Halloween Math Match-Up


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(I was low on ink when I took this picture, it’s cuter than it looks, promise! Click the pic to grab it!)

4) Even More Halloween (and you can win it!)

I’m pretty excited about my newest TpT unit!  I plan on using it the week of Halloween with my kiddos to introduce inferring.  I present to you Costume Clues…


This little unit can be used as a “Read the Room” activity or as a center. I need to get my kiddos up and moving so you can guess how I’ll be using it!

Students read the clue cards and decide which costumed kid is being described…


There are two different sets of clue cards. One for the primary grades (K/1)


and one for the bigger kids (2/3)


It also comes with recording and extension sheets



This is a unit I know my kids are just gonna eat up!

Want to win it?  Comment below with your favorite Halloween candy. Don’t forget your email! I will announce the winner on my Facebook page tonight before bed!

5) With all this Halloween stuff I’ve been pretty busy, but I ‘ve still found some time to relax with the hubs, our furballs, and some junk food.

Georgie Girl Hammock

Love hangin’ in the hammock with this girl, a blanket, a good book, and a fall candle.  It’s heaven.

And I found a new obsession last night…

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That would be gelato. Caramel Cookie Crunch gelato, to be exact. Divine.  I debated having it for breakfast this morning.  Seriously.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I’m excited to have nothing on my calendar for the day. It’s the first time in a long time, so I’m set on enjoying it!

Don’t forget to enter below to win “Costume Clues!”

and go link up with Doodle Bugs!

