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Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Where I've Been (plus a giveaway!!)

Boy, oh boy, has it been quite a while since I logged into blogger and published a post!  Some of you have been so kind to think of me and email me to make sure everything is alright...

...and yes, everything is alright! Everything is more than alright!

You may have already caught  a glimpse of my news on Instagram, but I am so excited to announce that my husband and I are expecting our first bundle of joy in September!

It was a long road getting to this point. We struggled with infertility for close to a year before we were finally blessed with the wonderful news that I was indeed pregnant!  Our journey to "expectant-hood" was an exhausting and overwhelming one, and I found myself putting blogging and creating on the back burner more and more as the months wore on.

Then we got pregnant, and well, I was so darn excited and wrapped up in it that, again, blogging and TpT just weren't a priority.  I was still writing down ideas for resources, and I still managed to get a Facebook post or two together, and amazingly I even created a resource, but most of my free time was (and still is) going towards pregnancy blogs, books, and nursery ideas.

Even more of my time has gone towards doctor's appointments. Because of a medical diagnosis I've had since I was very young, I am considered high-risk.  Well, according to my doctor, "on the low end of high-risk."  I feel fortunate to get extra monitoring, but I've never been to the doctor's so much in my entire life!

I'm writing this post because I finally feel like I am at a point in my pregnancy (20 weeks and counting!!) where I am ready to put more attention towards blogging (I've missed sharing and DISCOVERING great ideas and resources) and creating. I don't think I'll ever have the drive I had at the beginning and that's okay with me!

On our "baby moon" last week :)

In honor of my exciting news and my return to the blogosphere, I am giving away a copy of my Mother's Day craft "My Heart Blooms for Mom".  My students loved creating their little flower pots last year and I am excited to do the craft with them this year!  And I'm so looking forward to receiving a few (TpT inspired, I'm sure) Mother's Day crafts of my own a few years down the road!

Check it out here

Winning is easy, all you have to do is comment below with your email.  I'll announce a winner this evening on my Facebook page!

Thank you again to all of you who checked in on me!  It felt nice being missed ;)
