Today was no ordinary Monday. Everyone who entered our school did so with heavy hearts. I promised myself to just enjoy my time with my students, time that I normally take for granted. For today, at least, I didn’t get frustrated when they didn’t start a sentence with a capital letter, or when I had to ask them, again, to sit quietly while I was on the phone. I just took them all in. I am lucky. We are lucky. I know this.
A few weeks back, we started Random Acts of Christmas {or Classroom, if you prefer} Kindness. Now more than ever, this seems pretty relevant. Kindness is so, so, so important.
So far, we’ve read books to our Kindergarten Buddies, bought coffee and donuts for our office staff {and wrote them letters}, ordered pizza for our janitors, and brought in lunch for our #1 Maintenance Man, Mr. Ed {he got lots of sweet, sweet letters too…I just don’t have the energy to white-out the names on them tonight. Sorry}.
They’re tickled pink to do these things for the grown-ups in their school, and it’s infectious!
We attach a R.A.C.K. tag every time we complete one of our acts. It’s here as a FREEBIE if you’d like it {I know the tags in the pictures have a typo…the ones in Google Docs do not}.
I hope everyone takes the time to enjoy their students just a teensy bit more this week.
I know you already are.
Clipart: DJ Inkers
Some Fonts: Hello Fonts