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Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

You May Have Heard There’s Gonna Be a SALE!!!

So it’s no secret there’s a sale a comin’ tomorrow.  A SUPER SALE!!

I managed to finish a few units just in time for you to grab them for a cool 28% off…

Wanna see?  Of course you do!

{Click the picture to grab it}

I’ve been a fan of “The Day It Rained Hearts” for a while now.  It is such a sweet, sweet book.  Super simple concept, super loving message.  I got the itch to make a little something to go with it last year, but I just finally got around to it just now.



I came up with an umbrella raining hearts…I know, how on earth did I come up with that?!!  What I love about this craft is that I can use it now with the book, and again in the spring because it has a definite spring vibe going on.  We’ll be using our umbrellas to cover parts of speech next week, but the possibilities are endless!  You could do spelling words, rhyming words, hearts for family members…whatever your little heart desires :)

This little unit is also loaded with comprehension sheets and writing papers.  It goes perfectly with the book, but it definitely works independently of it as well!

I also finished up my “Plant a Kiss” unit.  Just like “The Day It Rained Hearts” this unit goes really well with the adorable book, but it also works out all by itself.
Would you like to plant a kiss with your class?  I know I can’t wait to get this started with my little guys and gals.

{Click the picture to grab it}

Here’s a little kiss pot:



So cute, right?

Of course, to plant a kiss, you need some seeds.



We’ll be giving our seeds to our mommies and daddies for Valentine’s Day.  Mom and Dad can exchange them for a kiss or an act of kindness, or both!

This unit is also loaded with writing papers and activity sheets too.  I couldn’t help myself!
I’ve bundled both of these guys with my Mr. Hatch mini-unit, so if you’re looking to have your Valentine’s reading block covered….here you go!!!

Valentine Bundle
{Click the picture to grab it from TpT}

This unit’s been floating around my store for a little while, but I finally get to break it out with my class next week when we get to similes.  We’ll be writing about love using similes.



{Click the picture above to grab it}

I can’t wait to read their answers!

I hope you’ll check out my store when you’re shoppin’ tomorrow!  I’ve got lots of goodies :)

Have a good night!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Apple Mania, End of Quarter Sale, and Check Out This Giveaway!

Just a really quick announcement: I’m holding a 20% off sale in my store because it’s the last weekend of September.  Thank you everyone for your support of my store.  It’s crazy to me that my products are in classrooms all over the world!  Warms my heart :)

Now, on to the yummy stuff…

Apples have taken over the blogosphere classrooms, and our room was no exception.  Check out how we celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s birthday in our classroom this week :)

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We started off by trying apple cider and apple cider donuts.  The whole class knows that Mrs. H loooooooves apple cider donuts, so they were pretty excited to share this bonding experience with me chow down.
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Then we graphed the results.  Can I tell you how much they loved that the graph went off the board?  They were rolling on the floor.  “She has to get a chair to reach!!!!”  It’s covering the alphabet!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.  It was adorable.

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Then we graphed our results on paper, and interpreted the data.  This was our first graph of the year, and I have to admit, they had some trouble comparing the results.  I was really surprised!!  Note to self: more graphs this year!

We complete the “Happy Birthday Johnny Appleseed” book from Alisha. {Sorry, no pictures, but the book is really cute!}

And we finished up our apple glyphs and apple writings from my “Favorite Way to Eat an Apple” pack.




I modeled the detailed sentences first, then a topic sentence, and well as a closing sentence.  We’re definitely working on organizing our writings.  There is a lot of room for improvement!

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The finished result!  They look adorable in the hallway.

I hope to be back soon to share some Back to School Night photos and ideas, as well as offer up a pretty big giveaway!!!

Speaking of giveaways, check out “What Happens in First”.  You can win a LOFT gift card {something every teacher needs :)}
