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Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Insta Fun Every Tuesday & Winners

So are you as obsessed with Instagram as I am?

Right now I’m following the Kardashian/Jenner family vacation to Greece via Kris, Kylie, Kendall, Khloe, Brody, Kim, and Kourtney.

Not Rob.  He’s not there {or at least he’s not taking any pictures yet}.

I’m one of the millions to blame for why these people who are famous for no reason are famous.


But I know some people who DESERVE to be famous…hard-working, creative, fun, inspiring teachers!!! 

Rachelle and Natalie from What the Teacher Wants and Michelle from Apples and ABC’s have come up with this awesome idea called #teachertalktuesday

{That’s Teacher Talk Tuesday for you non-hastaggers}

Teacher Talk Tuesday

I’m not surprised.  Have you read Michelle’s posts?  She hashtags everything!

Starting this Tuesday, teachers all over the world will post a picture or two from their classroom with the hashtag #teachertalktuesday

That means every Tuesday you can head to Instagram, search the hashtag, and find all sorts of fun snapshots from teachers you know and love, and some new teachers you haven’t heard of yet.

Can I get an AWE-SOME?

Thank You!

If you want to get a head start on following me, as well as some of your absolute favorite bloggers, head on over to the linky the ladies are hosting {you can link up on either blog by clicking the pic above}.  Lots of fabulous bloggers have already linked up and you can check out their instagram name through their post.

Mine is halleacrossthehall

I don’t have tons of pictures up there yet, but you can bet I will!

If you’re a teacher and you have instagram be sure to link up or use the hashtag #teachertalktuesday every Tuesday!!

So excited for this to take over instagram on Tuesdays!

Before I go, I need to announce the winners of my Wants and Needs Giveaway...

Wants Winners

Congrats Ladies!  Looks for an email soon!
