Freezing cold weather and yoga are semi-related in this post. I promise.
If you live by me {East Coast} or pretty much anywhere in America, you know it’s been freeeeezing lately. Indoor recess freezing.
We’ve been doing benchmarks in our classroom, which has left us with some time here and there. On the fly I decided to read “Bear’s Winter House” {well my student teacher read it} and then we brainstormed things we like to do when it’s cold outside. I made sure to differentiate between what we do when it’s cold, versus snowing, because it seems kids always associate the two.
It was a quick and simple activity, but I encouraged them to write WOW sentences, and they came through big time! It was a nice little break from tedious testing!
Grab it here for FREE.
If you like it, leave me some love!
Now to the second part of my title: Yoga!
Like I said, we’ve been going a little stir crazy lately with all that indoor recess. Teachers at our school are lucky enough to have duty free lunch 5 days a week, which means we’re not responsible for indoor recess. Students either go to the Music Room and watch a movie, or the Gym to play games. That being said, my little ones were still very wiggly this week. It’s a law…kids need to get out and run around!
On a whim, I did a few yoga moves with them early in the week. Just a few basic moves I had learned in my basic yoga class. And what do you know? They loved it! We turned the lights off and I brought up a Yoga station on Pandora.
It was so successful I spent my whole lunch period looking up Children’s Yoga videos. I couldn’t find any free ones that I was a fan of, so I decided to see if any of the online book wesites I used had a yoga book…and…jackpot!!! had the book “You Are a LION!”
I’m tellin’ you this is my new Friday routine!!!!! After yoga, we did “Zen Paper Passing”, which is code for super-quiet, hand-back the week’s graded work. And what do you know? They LOVEDDDDDD it!
I strongly recommend making yoga part of your classroom routine.
And…If you have a video suggestion please head me in the right direction in the comments below!
I’m off to
Enjoy your Sunday :)