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Monday, December 10, 2012

Holidays Across the Hall {So Far…}

We are immersed in holiday fun right now!  Our days are literally so packed, and we have so much left to do, I wonder how we’re gonna fit it all in, but we are having such a blast, you won’t catch me {or any 7 year old for that matter} complaining.

airline video

We’ve taken off for our Trip Around the World on Reindeer Airlines to see how other countries celebrate Christmas and other holidays. 

Our grade partner, Erica, found this Airline Safety Video on YouTube.  It’s from Thompson Airlines.  Our kiddos were enthralled by this video.  Enthralled, I tell you!  They thought it was the coolest thing ever.  It is so adorable {little kids + British accents= Too cute!!!!}, I highly recommend showing it anytime you “fly” somewhere with your class.

airline video2

So far we’ve been to the Scandinavian Peninsula, Germany, and France.  My class is loving the booklets from our unit.  I am loving that they are so engaged in what we’re doing.  They are genuinely interested in what they’re learning and having a blast.  One of my boys told his mom he wants to dress up as a Star Boy {Sweden} for Christmas!!

scandinavia bookstar boys

These booklets come from our Holidays Around the World unit.  It was a Top 10 Seller last week {whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?}, which put us over the moon!  We’re so excited so many of you are using this unit to teach your kiddos about holidays around the world!


We also started our Secret Santa unit last week.  Oh my word, are they eating this little community building activity up!

They got really excited when I put their envelopes up.  “What are those for Mrs. Hird?”, “Are we getting new mailboxes?”, “Do we get to take those home?!!!???”, “Is that for candy? Money? Tickets?”


We got right to work on our Secret Santa messages.


Before I actually let them spread out and write their messages, we talked about being as specific as possible to make our friends feel good about themselves.  The messages they wrote were pretty funny, and down right sweet…


Shane does always dance to MJ.  And we do always have a really good time!


C Hming does have really neat handwriting {not just in math}, and he is so, so, so sweet.

We have a few more messages to get out before Christmas Break next week, and I can’t wait to see what else they write!

If this looks like something you’d like to do with your class, click the pic below.


I’ll be back later this week with an update on our trip around the world, as well as a cute Christmas craftivity for even and odd numbers, and to share how we’ve been working on arrays.  At least I think I will…I have HIGH HOPES!

Have a good night friends :)


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Holiday Writing Freebie

I have a freebie for you tonight.

{Hold the applause}

Every year we do a "Holiday Traditions” writing in 2nd Grade.  It’s an idea our grade partner Erica brought with her to 2nd Grade. {She totally rocks, by the way}.  Each year students decorate a foam gingerbread man and write about their holiday traditions.  In the past, this project was done completely at home, but we decided to take the writing portion, and have students complete it in the classroom this year.

Earlier this week, we sent home a letter explaining the project, as well as the gingerbread men and a graphic organizer for students to complete with their parents.  Later this week, we’ll start our writings.

This really is a wonderful project.  It’s fun as a teacher to hear how other families spend their holiday, and students learn so much about their own traditions along the way.  Win. Win.

I’ve uploaded a general letter explaining the project to families, as well as the graphic organizer and writing paper to Google Docs.  There’s also a rubric to guide families when they’re creating their gingerbread man.

Pretty basic, but definitely a worthwhile holiday project.  Please download it, by clicking the picture below, if any part of it would work for your classroom.

gingerbread project cover

Have a good night friends!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Currently {and a QUICKIE giveaway!}

Well, it’s December.

When did that happen?

dec currently

My Currenty this month is pretty self explanatory.  Basically, I love to buy Christmas decorations {on clearance every year…yay me!}, but the actual process of decorating overwhelms me, and it takes me forever to decorate my house.  So I’m a nut…that’s all :)

Oh' boy fourth grade
Go link up and get some RAK {Random Acts of Kindness} Inspiration!

Anddddd I decided I want to do a quickie giveaway!!!
You can have any item from our store as long as you comment below with a link of how you shared it.

This giveaway is now CLOSED.
{I go to bed early on Sundays apparently!  I'm pooped!}
I used the Christina Bainbridge method of choosing tonight's winner:

Lindsey, you win!  Check your Inbox!
Everyone else, thank you so much for taking part...maybe we'll do another one soon!

Maybe you want one of our holiday units…


This can be a blog post, a FB link, a pin…whatever…just share the item YOU want however YOU want!  Easy Peasy!  I’ll pick a winner before I go to bed tonight. {PS: I live on the EAST coast}

Don’t forget to leave your email!
Enjoy your Sunday!
