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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our VERY FIRST “Write About It Wednesday”!!!!!!

Write About It Wednesday Graphic
Graphics: Cupcake for the Teacher, KPM Doodles, Teaching in a Small Town, G&F
I am so excited for our very first “Write About It Wednesday”!

I’ve partnered up with Kate over at Second Grade Sparkle for an ongoing series about writing in our classrooms.  Kate is sort of a celebrity now and her posts are always about 3,940,938 times more witty and clever than mine, so I hope you’ll bear with me!

Here’s how it works.  Kate and I will be focusing on a shared topic, but we’ll each give our own spin or routine on that topic.  We plan on making this a regular thing, and we hope you’ll join up with us and share how you do things in your own room.  I think writing is one of the more challenging {but fun} topics we teach, and the more ideas we teachers can get, the easier it is!

Our very first topic is “Stretching Sentences”.

I really enjoy doing mini-lessons on sentence structure.  It is one those concepts I feel like my kiddos get pretty easily.  One of the ways I get my students to stretch their sentences is by teaching them how to write listing sentences.  This helps to eliminate those short, choppy paragraphs about their trip to the amusement park.

You know, this one:

This weekend I went to Six Flags.  Six Flags is in New Jersey.  Six Flags is fun.  I went on Nitro.  I went on Rolling Thunder.  I also went on Superman.  The rollercoasters were scary!  They were cool.  They were fun.  We got to eat yummy food too.  I had a corn dog for lunch.  I had fries for lunch.  They were hot and crunchy.  Then we went on Bizarro.  Then we went on Skull Mountain.   Then we had ice cream.  I had ice cream with sprinkles.  It is was in a waffle cone.  I did not finish it because I was full.  Then we went home.  Six Flags was fun.

This is not a bad paragraph.  It has details.  It has order.  But it is chop-py.  Too choppy.

The first thing I do is model.  I usually write about whatever is on my mind.  This year I wrote about a Waffle Bar at a baby shower I had been to.


I write my paragraph with short and choppy sentences first. I ask them, “Did you like my writing?”

Here’s the thing….they always do.  It’s because I’m their teacher and they fear me love me.  So I have to encourage them…”Well thank you so much!  I am so happy you love this story!  But I think I can make it better.  You always tell me I am an amazing reader.  Did I sound amazing when I read my story?”

Usually, by now, that student who loves to point out your typos on every document {or life-altering mistake of calling a student the wrong name} will tell you that, no, you didn’t sound amazing. 

 “Why yes, you are right!  I think I sounded like a robot.  I think I sounded like a robot because my sentences were short and choppy.  It was hard for me to get a rhythm while I was reading.  That’s why we combine our sentences and stretch them out.  One way we can do this is by creating a listing sentence.”

A listing sentence?  They’re enthralled.

“A listing sentence is just like what it sounds like.  It has a list within a sentence.  Just like when your mommy or daddy goes to the supermarket.  They make a list of what they need to buy.  And when they make the list, they put all the things that go together in the same spot.”

That last line is important.  If you don’t say that I cannot be held responsible for the listing sentences your kiddos end up writing.

“When we write we want to use listing sentences to make our sentences better.  When we do this we can save space for more sentences, which means more details, which means a better story!  Let’s read my writing again.  Does anyone see a place where I can create a listing sentence?”

We then go through my writing and find the one or two places where I can make a listing sentence.  It’s important not to overdue it.  I don’t want them thinking that every single paragraph they write will have a listing sentence. 


After I write my new {better} copy, we talk about what all listing sentences need.

“We know that listing sentences have to list things that are related.  There is another thing all listing sentences need.  Commas!  We use commas to separate the words and ideas we are listing.”

The next day it gets really interactive. 

 I write a few listing sentences on chart paper.  Then I pull out the garage sale price stickers.  You know, the round fluorescent ones?  Yes, those.  Prior to the day’s mini lesson I write commas on them.  We read the sentences as a group, then I have a few kiddos come up and put the commas in the correct spot.




After our review on the carpet I send them back to their seat with a practice sheet.  The practice sheet is  filled with questions that require listing sentences for answers. 

Listing Sentences practice sheet

Grab the sheet by clicking the picture.

Now my class knows that I look for listing sentences in all future writing pieces {where applicable, of course!}.  This is a pretty fun and easy skill for them once they learn it, so I don’t need to offer many “refresher courses” on the topic.

Easy Peasy!  This mini-lesson/skill has every single one of my kiddos feeling successful because it's an important writing skill they all can master.

I hope you enjoyed our first “Write About It Wednesday” post and that you learned a new tip or trick.  At the very least, I hope you picked up the freebie! 

 If you have sentence stretching tip or idea LINK UP!

You can read Kate's post here.

As a thank you for stopping by, Kate and I are hosting a giveaway.  You can enter on either blog, and we will announce a winner this weekend.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a good night!


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Currently {MARCH}

Well I feel like I just linked up to tell you a few random things about my life, but I can’t resist a good linky…and Currently is one of my faves!

currently march

My answers don’t need much of an explanation this time around, so I’ll spare ya and just elaborate a little on my H’s!

I like anything handmade or homemade.  I like Etsy.  I like supporting small businesses which usually means handmade/homemade.  “Is that candle handmade?  Ok, yes, I’ll take it.”  And of course homemade cooking…does it get any better?!

Happy Hour?  I love it!  I love spending time with my hubby, coworkers, and best friends eating yummy {bad for you food} and relaxing with a cocktail or two.  I especially love happy hours when it’s warm, outside on a deck.  Can’t wait!

Headaches.  Enough said.  Unfortunately I get headaches more often than I’d like…mostly due to stress.  There’s really nothing nice you can say about headaches!

While you’re here, I want to tell you something really important!

See, when you comment, I LOVE it!!  Honestly, I do.

And because I love it I want to let you know by commenting back.  Except when I do that, you don’t always know, unless you subscribe to the comment feed…but I have something easier!!! Much easier!

You might not know this, but there’s a chance you’re a “No Reply Blogger”

That’s the bad news…the good news is that it’s a very easy fix.  I learned how to leave my days as a “No Reply Blogger” behind from a lovely tutorial  by the sweet, sweet Lori over at Teaching with Love and Laughter.  Click here to learn how to change your ways and let me email you back!  It’s so easy.  I promise!

That’s about all my friends!  Go link up!

Happy Saturday!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Five for Friday {3-1-13}

Happy Friday!  I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs for my fave weekly linky!


My Number One Guy {besides the Mr., of course} moved to Florida this week.  {If you are a 2nd grade teacher in Florida, and the cutest boy in the world named Jefferson walked into your room this week, you need to email me STAT}.  I am in mourning.  I LOVE this kid.  Adorable.  Hilarious.  Intelligent.  Kind. Creative.  One of a Kind.  And cute, cute, cute.  It’s killing me that I had to smack a heart over his face because you would just MELT.  I miss him so much but I hope he is loving life in sunny Florida! 


We’re polishing up our adjective skills in 2nd grade and we’re having a fun time doing it!  I blogged about this activity last year and it includes a freebie!  Click here if you’re interested in reading more about “Sweet Adjectives”.


We’re all about the rainbows in March!  My class made the name rainbow version of this team sign, and came up with 6 adjectives that describe themselves.  Next week, they’ll pick the ones that describe them most and write about them.  I forgot to take a shot of my bulletin board this week, but I’ll be sure to upload a shot later.


I’m not Catholic, but I was inspired by my friends who were, to give up a vice for a short period of time.  I decided on red meat and fried foods. I don’t eat either one of them on an everyday basis but I do eat both more than I think I should.  It wasn’t going too bad until my husband decided he wanted steak for dinner.  Luckily my salmon was delicious!

I was lucky enough to win Alisha’s “Birthday Centers” honoring “You Know Who”!  I’m so excited to break them out next week when our school celebrates Read Across America {yes, we’re bucking the trend and participating NEXT week!}  I love her stuff so this win was a big one for me!

That’s about it for me!  Off to read everyone else’s Five for Fridays.  Go link up!

Have a great weekend,
